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Gardner Ultra Skin Super Soft Green 15LB/6.8KG

Gardner Ultra Skin Super Soft Green 15LB/6.8KG

Regular price £18.99 GBP
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  • Skinned hooklinks have been widely available for many years now, Ultra Skin now offers significant improvements in terms of feel, colour, finish and ease of use.
  • It is really the softest and supplest material of its type; with the colours carefully specified and tweaked until we were 100% satisfied they were the best hue and 100% correct.
  • The matt finish isn’t only for show; it really helps the material blend into the aquatic environment and the soft feel means that if a fish bumps into it, whilst feeding on a baited spot, it feels ‘natural’ and is less likely to alarm a fish that may be a bit ‘edgy’. Of course this is also helped by the fact that the material sinks well, and is more likely to settle flush to the lake bed.
  • As anglers we realise that most soft hooklinks need pinning down (because the hook bait tends to drop nearer the lead than the length of the hooklink) and a blob of Critical Mass tungsten putty half way along the hooklink really makes a difference to your final presentation – even with really heavy hooklink materials like Ultra Skin – particularly if you’re fishing on hard spots that are very clean due to feeding fish.
  • Ultra Skin is easy to strip and will not rupture whilst tightening down a well tied ‘figure of 8’ loop knot.
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